Thank you God for my many blessings.
I took off work a little early today to go down and help the local news station accept food donations and load semis to be driven down to New Orleans. I'm not telling you this so you'll pat me on the back or think I'm doing a good thing. I was awe-struck by the amount of stuff being dropped off. They had already sent THIRTY trucks down to New Orleans and had 4 more locked and ready to go. Unreal.
I have really not mentioned the hurricane at all. My heart is broken and I spent the first few days crying over every news story I heard and read. The pictures were as painful to see as those from 9/11. I come home everyday and complain that I hate this crappy apartment and so many of our possessions are still in OKC. It's so petty and so lame. My life is so full in ways that I can't even see. I've never once in my life known "want", and luckily, I've never known "need". I feel helpless in that I want to do more than I can possibly do. But I have given when and where I can and continue to seek out opportunity to do so.
What saddens me most is that in possibly the most advanced nation on the face of the earth, we sat and watched this happen. Our president, if you can call him that, sat on his ass on yet ANOTHER vacation in Texas. FEMA didn't roll in for days. All the machines, equipment and man power we need is over seas fighting for Bushy's dear sweet oil. On the day they announced the evacuation, the day before Katrina hit, we did nothing to help these people leave. You can't tell people who already depend on public assistance and public transportation to leave town and not give them a hand in doing so!!! And whether they had the means or not, we should have provided the means without a seconds thought.
But today, seeing the children and the rich and the poor coming out giving all that they did, warmed my heart. It was amazing to see ALL OF THAT FOOD. It's not a home and it's not a job, and it certainly doesn't get back priceless wedding pictures and it doesn't bring back lost loved ones- but hopefully it will give so many several warm meals and be one of many tiny steps to regaining a life.
My prayers are constantly with the all those affected by Hurricane Katrina. I hope and pray that everyone is doing some something to help.
I have really not mentioned the hurricane at all. My heart is broken and I spent the first few days crying over every news story I heard and read. The pictures were as painful to see as those from 9/11. I come home everyday and complain that I hate this crappy apartment and so many of our possessions are still in OKC. It's so petty and so lame. My life is so full in ways that I can't even see. I've never once in my life known "want", and luckily, I've never known "need". I feel helpless in that I want to do more than I can possibly do. But I have given when and where I can and continue to seek out opportunity to do so.
What saddens me most is that in possibly the most advanced nation on the face of the earth, we sat and watched this happen. Our president, if you can call him that, sat on his ass on yet ANOTHER vacation in Texas. FEMA didn't roll in for days. All the machines, equipment and man power we need is over seas fighting for Bushy's dear sweet oil. On the day they announced the evacuation, the day before Katrina hit, we did nothing to help these people leave. You can't tell people who already depend on public assistance and public transportation to leave town and not give them a hand in doing so!!! And whether they had the means or not, we should have provided the means without a seconds thought.
But today, seeing the children and the rich and the poor coming out giving all that they did, warmed my heart. It was amazing to see ALL OF THAT FOOD. It's not a home and it's not a job, and it certainly doesn't get back priceless wedding pictures and it doesn't bring back lost loved ones- but hopefully it will give so many several warm meals and be one of many tiny steps to regaining a life.
My prayers are constantly with the all those affected by Hurricane Katrina. I hope and pray that everyone is doing some something to help.
Brady is down there with the National Guard. He was deployed last week and will be there until sometime in October.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:11 PM